Prevent Frozen Pipes

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In an effort to help our residents, we would like to remind everyone that with the upcoming freezing temperatures, there are many different ways to help prevent frozen pipes.

  • Look for air leaks around electrical wiring, dryer vents, and pipes, and use caulk or insulation to keep the cold out. With severe cold, even a tiny opening can let in enough cold air to cause a pipe to freeze.
  • Insulate pipes in attics or crawl spaces or better yet, use heating tape on susceptible pipes.
  • Keep heat in the home at least 55 degrees and make sure you have good batteries in your thermostat.
  • Allow faucets to drip if there is a concern of freezing, this will also take pressure off pipes.
  • Insulate pipes that are in cold and drafty locations.
  • Disconnect any outside hoses.
  • Open cabinet doors to allow heat to get to un-insulated pipes under sinks and appliances near exterior walls.

Over the years, several homes in the District have suffered major damage due to broken pipes. Most problems arose when owners were on vacation and turned the heat too low or furnaces stopped working when rentals were vacant without appropriate heating. It can be a wise idea to shut the main valve where the water line comes into the house and drain the pipes if you are planning on being away for an extended time.

Please note that if we are not able to access your curb stop in your front yard, it will make it difficult to turn off your water.

If you have a water emergency, please call our emergency number (719) 495-8188 option 9.